I am going to be open and vulnerable with you because it's only fair that I do for you what I will ask you to do for me as my client. I lost my dad when I was 15 years old which means that for half of my life, I have lived with grief; I have sat with it and gotten to know it on a personal level, I have listened to its stories and learned valuable lessons from it, and after quite a bit of healing, I have even come to be inspired by it.
The driving force behind my work is knowing that life can and does change in the blink of an eye. Sometimes that change is the loss of a loved one, sometimes it's just babies growing up, but one thing is certain... the only thing that stays the same is everything changes. The ebb and flow and impermanence of life are what inspire me to preserve life and love through photography. So that when things inevitably change, you always have a portal back to what once was.
When you think back on your most cherished memories in life, do you think of all of the Christmas presents you got or that grand family vacation you went on to Disney World? Or was it the little things like your mom dancing to Fleetwood Mac while she cleaned the house, or your dad making banana pancakes every Sunday? If your answer is the latter, you're in the right place. Those are the memories I strive to preserve. Together, I want to dig deep to uncover those "little" things in your life that you'll look back on in 20 years and realize were actually the big things all along.
First and foremost, authenticity is the core value of Jemini Photo. This is your story and your memories- everything about your session from the location we choose to shoot at down to the clothes you choose to wear, should feel honest to who you are. I encourage you to release any expectations of "perfection" that are not authentic to you i.e., matching outfits in a sunflower field with everyone perfectly posed and smiling at the camera; if that is the type of results you're hoping for, I might not be the right photographer for you.
In order to truly capture you and this chapter of your life authentically, I believe that there must be a connection in all aspects of the experience we work to create together, including a connection between you and me. The more you allow me to know you and see you, the better I can capture you honestly. This also means ensuring there is a connection between all elements within the session; location, activity, style, etc. every detail works together to tell the full story.
With that connection comes collaboration! No one can tell your story better than you can, that is why we will work as a collaborative team to curate your session. After booking, I will send you a questionnaire that will help me dig deep into who you are and what this chapter of your life looks like. Once that is completed, I will use the information to develop a vision for the session, then together we will work on bringing that vision to life!
Vulnerability is where the magic happens. Your openness and willingness to be seen fully is what will take your gallery from a series of beautiful photos to "wow, these are powerful images that make me feel things". I, again, ask you to release expectations of perfection and embrace authenticity. I ask you to allow yourself the freedom to be yourself, to let your children be wild, to let your home be messy, and to love your partner the way you love them when no one is watching.
My approach for these sessions is to use your questionnaire responses to curate a session that captures the essence of you, your loved ones, and the connection you share. How do you connect with each other? What are the core values of your family? What do you hope to never forget about life as it is right now? The answers to these questions are the foundation on which I will build your personalized session.
These sessions are great for:
-Updated Family Photos
60 minutes of shoot time
1 location and 1 outfit
20 digital images included
$50 store credit
Storytelling is Lifestyle on a deeper and more intimate level. This is where sessions become more thoroughly curated, galleries become more personal, and your heart inevitably has a stronger connection to your images. During these sessions, I take a primarily documentary-style approach with minimal prompting and posing in order to tell a more authentic story. To learn more about the story behind these images and other sessions in order to understand the storytelling process, please visit my blog.
These sessions are great for:
-Family albums that tell a story
-Brand Refresh
90 minutes of shoot time
1 outfit or location change (optional)
30 digital images included
$100 store credit
Day In The Life Sessions are a documentary-style approach to capturing what a real day in your life currently looks like. These are for the people who appreciate and want to remember the little parts of every day life. My approach to these sessions is inspired my own baby book and childhood photos that transport me back into the home I grew up in. My intention is to leave you with a gallery that is so authentic it transports you back to this time of your life for all of the decades to come.
These sessions are best for:
-Extended Family Sessions
-Creating Albums that tell a story
Up to 3 hours of shooting
in-home or at a personal location
40 digital images included
$150 store credit
(Addtl hours can be added for births)
Now, this is the hard part... choosing your favorite photos! I will edit a variety of the best photos from our session and put them into a digital gallery for easy viewing. Depending on which collection you choose, this is where you will select your included digitals, and any additional digitals or prints you may want. Having trouble deciding? The full digital collection includes every image in your gallery so you don't have to choose! You can expect to see your gallery within two weeks.
During our session, I will primarily take a documentary-style approach, capturing candid moments and letting things unfold naturally. However, I will also pose and prompt some actions to capture a variety of images. All I want from you during the session is for you to try to let your walls down, authentically be yourself, embrace the process, and enjoy it all!
It's important to know that I am not the perfectly posed, everyone-look-at-the-camera-and-smile type of photographer. I am the hair-blowing in-the-wind, double-chin laughter, dance-in-the-rain type of photographer. I ask that you come with no expectations, ready to embrace whatever may happen because that is where the real magic is. Let your kids be kids, love your partner like no one is watching, make the most of every moment. It will all turn out perfectly "you".
Your questionnaire responses will serve as the foundation on which we create your session, I recommend taking your time and going as in-depth as you can, the more information you give me the better. I will use this to develop a vision that I believe will best serve your intention for your session and choose a date, time, location, and style in connection with our creative vision to tell a cohesive story.
Your life is a work of art and should be treated as such. My philosophy is that photos are not meant to live on a screen forever, they should be hung on our walls and live in books on our coffee tables to share our story with those who have the honor of entering our homes. That's why I have chosen to prioritize physical prints over including all digital images.
The print lab I have chosen to work with offers heirloom-quality prints and albums to ensure your most special photos will stand the test of time and live on to share your memories with all the future generations that may come after you. Whether you choose to frame your memories and hang them on the walls of your home or tell your story through an album, I am confident you will be pleased with the quality.
I recommend booking at least one month in advance. Feel free to email me with any questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
While I will develop the vision for the session, this is a collaborative process and your involvement is vital to ensuring your session looks and feels like you. The more in-depth your questionnaire responses are, the better I can capture you authentically.
As part of my honest and authentic approach, I keep Photoshopping to an absolute minimum. I only photoshop out minor impermanent blemishes like zits but I do not use photoshop to change your natural appearance (i.e., your body.)
Because my only intention is to tell a true and authentic story of your life, my greatest source of inspiration is you. While I am open to inspiration you may have found on Pinterest or Instagram as examples of images you love, it's important to know that I do not/ can not "re-create" those images for you. Together, we are creating images that are uniquely yours.
Digital galleries are typically delivered within two weeks from the session date, and guaranteed within four weeks. Digital downloads can be done instantly through your gallery. Physical prints take approximately four weeks for production and delivery. Please note that your images are specifically calibrated to the print lab I have chosen to work with and I cannot guarantee the quality of prints through any other print labs.